The time spent in Athens thus far as been wonderful. It is a city which from afar, looks like the seabed of white shells. Up close and personal, Athens is far from charming. It has it’s moments of saving grace but it is an otherwise city of peeling paint (beyond the ‘shabby chic’ look), run down buildings, dirty streets, and a crossroads of cultures where east meets west. All cohabiting, trying to make a life from themselves. I've been told that there is life before 2004 Olympics and there is life after. Apparently things are better? hmm..
This is a city seeped in history. In fact, it dates back to the pre-historic times.. meaning before history was even recorded, written! To grasp the lineage which the Greeks come from is humbling to those of us Americans who think we have something to be proud of (we do.. but we have nothing on the Greeks! :) And the language. Only a mere 12 million speak a language which once was the language of civilization as we know it. Yet where this city may need a paint job, it makes up for in it’s people who are incredibly friendly, warm and inviting.
The days prior to my groups’ arrival, I spent wandering the city, with coffeebreaks to study and then, meeting people. The conversations were enlightening, but beyond the conversations, where the stories I heard, what I learned of the people themselves.
When you travel, do you really allow yourself to meet people beyond ‘where you from..? oh I went there once… enjoy your stay!’ How often do you take the moment to understand where someone else is coming from, and hear their stories? They can be both beautiful and heart piercing. You can be envious of their life and at the same be grateful for the life you lead.
This more than anything, is what I take from my travels: the stories. Not so much the souvenirs and photographs, as much as I enjoy those. The stories are what stay with me.
The night before my group arrived, I sat on Mar’s Hill aka Aeropagus where Paul was once brought to speak before the Athenians. Watching the sunset, the sky turned cobalt blue and the city looked like clusters of stars shimmering in the distance. Once again, I was rendered speechless. I was in Athens.
In that moment, I stood feeling the wind and taking it all in. My thoughts were broken by a man asking me where I was from. Standing at a distance from me, I wasn’t sure who he was talking to.
Now, having lived in Italy.. I know this question all too well. At the same time, I’m alone. I welcome the conversation. So there the three of us stood talking for a while.. one was Greek, the other Albanian by that of his parents yet was born and raised in Greece. Hercules- I love it! (25) and George (34). We had an interesting conversations up on that rock. The wind began to pick up, a clue to start heading down. My night lay before me with no plans other than to study so when the offer
was presented to join them for a coffee, I took company over my books.
Not knowing anyone here in Athens, I welcomed my new companions knowledge of this city and culture, language and history. As I followed them through the streets, passing many cafes I began to wonder… Yet the moment we stepped for into this café/bar and my new friend expressing ‘this is my favorite, they make a the best coffee’. He needed say no more. Settling into a corner table, here we sat speaking of cultures and differences, of Athens and the people.. they expressed
the troubles with the Greek girls.. jobs.. one in particular expressed his recognizing the fact he needed to work on a change within himself. A sharp kid. The older one nodded in agreement. Sitting there for a moment, none of us said anything.
As the last bit of coffee was gone, we left the café. Walking back to the metro, one invited me to hisfamily’s home for a real Greek dinner.. but I graciously declined. They both assured me if I needed help, that I was no longer alone in this city, they
would be there in a moment. Giving them a warm smile, we went our separate ways. I have two new friends. No longer do I feel so completely alone in this city.
Riding the metro back to the hotel, I thought over the past 36 hours, over the moments I’ve already experiences.. the people I’ve met, the thoughts I’ve heard expressed and the history of this city itself. I recognize that all of these moments in time, people and place continue to weave themselves in the fabric of who I am, who I am becoming... and this was only the
second day!
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